Seruan Kalbu

Thursday, November 10, 2011 0 Comment(s)
Assalamualaikum sahabat :)

Today, i would like to tell you something. it's a very important thing.:)

Allah is near, this is the thing. :)

I know you knew it. :)

Juz a reminder for you, and of course for me too. :)
whatever it is, whoever you are, wherever you are, Allah is The Only One
لا إله إلّا الله

Allah is near to whoever supplicates Him. :) So, waiting for what?
Do supplicates him!

Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an:

"And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed Near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright" 
[Qur'an 2:186]. 

The above verse was revealed as an answer to a question addressed to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) by some of his Companions (may Allah be pleased with them).

 They asked him: "Oh Messenger of Allah! Is our Lord near to us, so we can secretly talk to Him [munaja], or He is far, so we should call upon Him [loudly]?" Thereupon Allah Almighty revealed this verse: "And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge) " 

This is because Allah is The Watcher, The Witness Who knows what is in the hearts [the secret] and that which is more hidden; He knows the treacherous (look) of the eyes and whatever the hearts conceals. Allah is Near to whoever supplicates him and immediately responds as He says "I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me".




prepared by; thinker :)

May Allah Bless <3

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