Is it one of my catchy title?? Oh, I dont't really care..huhu.. Assalamualaikum I bet to all.. first and foremost (macam karangan la plak), I would like to say a deepest sorry to all of you..:'(.. I haven't update my blog for a few months, right?? Of course, once you reached my blog, you would say.."ala, asyik ...:SaTu TiTik HiTam:... aje?? ntah bile2 nak update blog"..haish...sorry, again and again...:(..
Btw, this post is actually about myself...I rarely write about myself, right? But recently, I want to share something that I think could give us 'something' lah.hehhe..:) is my pleasure having you all as my faithful followers (cewah..;P)..alhamdulillah... you still remember your path of life after UPSR?? For me, of course you do..;) it was really a memorable moment, right? It was a moment when you were thinking which secondary schools you were belong to. It was a moment when you were thinking twice whether to go to a boarding school or not. It was a moment when you chose a school of your choice or your parent's choice. It was really an unforgettable moment..hmmm..
For me myself, I have my own 'story' before I got to INTEGOMB... My beloved father actually had planned of sending me to TAHFIZ, hoping that I would become a Hafizah (with a full of hope towards me). At the same time I got an offer to SBPI Gombak a.k.a INTEGOMB. I really didn't want to go to any boarding school. But, I didn't have other choices except those two choices. Then, did you all know what I am thinking? "Ala, masuk je lah SBPI Gombak (waktu ni xtau pape pon pasal sekolah ni), kalau masuk tahfiz, jauh sangat kat Pahang"...and I said to my mum, "Mak, yah masuk jelah SBPI Gombak ni.."(muke x rase bersalah)...(eee, xmatang nye lah).. At the end, I went to INTEGOMB..
My father really dissapointed with me but I REALLY REALLY didn't notice.. My father just sent me to INTEGOMB during the registration day. When I was in Form 2, my mum asked me, "Yah, ingat tak abah penah kluar rumah x bagitau, balik bile dah petang, senyap selame seminggu, tak cakap ape2 tu??" (berlaku mase abis UPSR la ni) "Ingat2, kenape mak sebenarnye, mak tau ke?" "Sebenarnye abah kau merajuk kau tak nak masuk tahfiz dulu."
Oh Allah, after almost 2 years this thing happened, I really didn't know the reason?? Abah, I really made you upset.. I'm really sorry, Abah... :'(....sedihkan? n mungkin disebabkan itulah aku x dapat nak masuk DQ lepas SPM aritu, yelah, buat Abah merajuk sampai camtu skali, but Allah knows the best, right.... betape tak matangnye saye waktu itu..:'(
Okay, kembali pada topik sebenarnye.. I just want to say, the path that we went through after UPSR had taught us a real meaning of life.. sebabnye, mase sekolah rendah, tau main je... ultraman, superman, sailormoon, dragon ball la..macam2.. Tapi Form 1 is the stage of transformation, (not transformer), from a child, to a teenager, cewah..waktu selepas UPSR lah waktu kite nak mengenal diri kite yang sebenarnye, mencari identiti..:)..and this is how life goes on..:)
Paling keanak-anakan sepanjang 5 tahun bergelar pelajar sekolah menengah..of course la kan..masih ade bau2 darjah enam..kui3.. not really bother of exams..actually, takut jugak, tapi saye ni x brape nak paham pelajaran mase tu.. nights of prep class, sleeping3..padahal esok nak exam...ramai gak wat cam2..yelah, duk asrama kan..(xtau lah org lain cmne)..:P..miss the moments when I was called during the anugerah gemilang (presents will be given to those yang dapat tiga markah tertinggi untuk setiap subjek, setiap ujian bulanan).. tapi saye dapat untuk certain subjects only, not conquering all..hehhe :P..
miss the moments when first started learning foreign language, I chose Japanese..:) it very much.. miss the moments when all Japanese students were required to join and perform a japan dance.. It was named as Yosakoi Boleh!.. it's actually 'tarian jalanan'..and memang jalanan betul, because we had to perform it at the compound of TIME SQUARE!!!!! memalukan... Mase kene prkatis, tiap2 minggu tu kluar gi sekolah alam shah, memang nak menangis lah dibuatnye.. ade beberape students yang merayu xnak join (including me.:P), yelah, kate menari, mesti lah segan.. tapi tarian die takde lah sampai terangguk2 ke, just a smooth dance..huhu... at last, kene menari gak, no exceptional..actually best sangat tarian die but segan je.
And now, it really become one of my memorable memories..:)).. sume japanese students sangat lah tension sebab that Yosakoi Boleh! performancce sehari sebelum final exam!! haru biru dibuatnye but alhamdulillah, everything was fine.. (and for my final japanese exam, I got 100%..haha..)
~yang baju kuning tulah pelajar sekolah kami, yang baju merah ahli Japanese Language Society Malaysia..:)~
Nothing much to say about this stage.. In short, waktu semua orang kluar tanduk rase nye..(my batch lah)... selalu kene panggil dengan PK HEM.. ade 'kaki retort' rupenye... Mase Form 2 ni lah kne panggil dengan senior (F5) lepas sembahyang Isyak satu malam sabtu nih .mungkin disebabkan 'keterukan'. yang melanda batch kami.. habis kami kene brain-washed, heart-washed segala bagai... beberape name dipanggil dan di sound direct (NOT including me..huhu).. but miss this moment.. rase sangat disayangi dan di beri perhatian, yelah, kne tegur untuk kebaikan kan, bukan sebab dibenci..
Medan Imtihan yang terbesar selepas darjah 6.. P . M . R.....
Miss the moments when we have our study groups. Fasciltators for each subject was selected. Struggling for PMR, aiming very high to get 9As, for sure. And miss the moments when we were very exited when our beloved principal promised to support us a ticket of AirAsia plane.. (xtau nak ke mane, yang pentingnye exited dapat naik AirAsia), kalau 100% 9As.. childish je bunyi tapi we were struggling the best.. tapi bukan rezeki kami, yang dapat 9As bukan 100%.. but it's ok, we tried our best..:))..memang childish sangat, tapi nak gtau gak, ramai jugak la yang letak gamba airasia plane atas meja masing2 termasuk saye sendiri..:P (nak menunjukkan harapan yang menggunung tinggi lah, hehehe)
~hanya tinggal impian~
Ramai yang kate this year was 'honeymoon' year.. Oh, not really.. Belajar perkare baru semuanye.. Ingat lagi x?? mestilah ingat kan.. Chemistry, Biology, Physics, ADD MATHS.... wah, interesting subjects but also challenging subjects atau killer subjects. PK 1 selalu pesan mase assembly, "Form 4, kamu jangan ingat tahun ni 'honeymoon year' kamu, saye akan tengok result kamu semua final exam nanti".. banyak kali beliau pesan macam tu, n memang kami rase bukan 'HONEYMOON' pon... sape la yg rase F4 tu bulan madu? pelik2..hmmm..n waktu nilah merase fail beberapa subject secara berjemaah...cikgu2 duk geleng kepale, kami mengoyak sengih... ape la nak jadi... sekarang ni, semuanya tinggal kenangan..:)...
Jeng3.. AMANAH.. bile pertengahan tahun, teachers looking for Majlis Tertinggi-to-be.. In short, I was selected as a PKP 2 merangkap ketua aspuri a.k.a Kaspuri.. It was not something to be proud of, but it was something to be fear of.. it's amanah.. Sangat terkejut mase mule2 Pn Patiah (a discipline teacher) calling my name.. sangat tak expect!!. Feel so burdened with that amanah.. I cried and mengadu kat Fatin, TKP yg baru dilantik jugak tu, hehe..yelah, rase macam sangat tak sanggup nak jadi PKP tu.sedih sangat2.. but I said to myself, 'Allah knows you can..'
This year asyik menangis sebab tension..kami (Majlis Tertinggi a.k.a MT) sentiase bersame mengharungi student2 yang bermasalah..panjang ceritanya... memang sangat mencabar..:'(.. but miss those moments when I made announcements at the hostel. "Perhatian kepada semua pelajar puteri, anda diberi masa 10 minit lagi untuk mengosongkan asrama...bla...bla...bla..." I knew everyone was very annoyed with those annoncements, but it was my responsibility..pukul 5.30 pg, 7.00, 2.30, 5.30 ptg, 7.00 mlm, 11.00mlm, 11.30 mlm, suare si kaspuri tak bertauliah ni lah yang buat pengunguman hari2... bile hujung minggu, sibuk panggil ketua dorm,kemas dorm,, bla..bla..bla... miss those moments bile memekik kat tengah asrama suruh kutip baju2 yang terjatuh dari ampaian kalau tak, kene lelonglah jawabnye..MURAH tau!!!..hhehe..:P..
Dup dap dup dap.... S . P . M...medan imtihan yang paling menggerunkan.. But this is really a great moment I ever had... I miss those moments when we were struggling to complete tons of homework.. Miss those times when we had a class until nak dekat maghrib, then malam tu sambung study group mase prep plak.. Miss those moments when we sambung pulak dekat dorm, buat study group kat bilik study ramai2 bersempit-sempit... sampai tersengguk2,, miss those moments when we were studying together, berhimpit-himpit 173 students of our batch, same2 duk dalam satu lab yang sebenarnye hanye memuatkan dalam 35-40 orang tu.. miss those times when all teachers berebut2 nak buat kelas tambahan untuk kitorang.. miss those moments when 1 batch duk dalam 1 hall study same2 mase nak dekat SPM.. terlalu bnyak kenangan yang tak tertulis, tapi terpahat di hati..
Those memories will remain in our minds and hearts, forever n ever..
These 5 years really taught me a meaning of life..friends and teachers..:) HOW ABOUT YOU??
Hmm...How about 2 years after that??? What a different life from those 5 years during school, right?? But experiences from my 5 years + 2 years of studying gave me a strength to continue my life, facing the obstacles that may become more challenging.. I can feel my life is changing from a stage to another stage.. Moga diriku semakin matang dalam menghadapi dunia yang smentara.:) Allahlah tempat mengadu..
Post kali ni sangat membosankan sebab ianya berkenaan diriku, harap dapat berkongsi sesuatu..insyaAllah..
"I am a modest Muslim girl, I am more pecious than diamond & pearl & the same way they are hard to find, I will remain a treasure, covered & refined"
The Simple Me
Name: Nadiah binti Mohd Noor Called as: Nadiah Birth Date: 25th July 1991Fav Quotes: "I am a traveler seeking the truth, a human searching for the meaning of humanity and a citizen seeking dignity, freedom, stability and welfare under the shade of Islam. I am a free man who is aware of the purpose of his existence and who proclaims: “Truly, my prayer and my sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds; no partner has He. This, am I commanded and I am of those who submit to His Will.” This is who I am. Who are you?"
(Hassan al-Banna)
Contact Me: Facebook | My Blog
Is it one of my catchy title?? Oh, I dont't really care..huhu.. Assalamualaikum I bet to all.. first and foremost (macam karangan la plak), I would like to say a deepest sorry to all of you..:'(.. I haven't update my blog for a few months, right?? Of course, once you reached my blog, you would say.."ala, asyik ...:SaTu TiTik HiTam:... aje?? ntah bile2 nak update blog"..haish...sorry, again and again...:(..
Btw, this post is actually about myself...I rarely write about myself, right? But recently, I want to share something that I think could give us 'something' lah.hehhe..:) is my pleasure having you all as my faithful followers (cewah..;P)..alhamdulillah... you still remember your path of life after UPSR?? For me, of course you do..;) it was really a memorable moment, right? It was a moment when you were thinking which secondary schools you were belong to. It was a moment when you were thinking twice whether to go to a boarding school or not. It was a moment when you chose a school of your choice or your parent's choice. It was really an unforgettable moment..hmmm..
For me myself, I have my own 'story' before I got to INTEGOMB... My beloved father actually had planned of sending me to TAHFIZ, hoping that I would become a Hafizah (with a full of hope towards me). At the same time I got an offer to SBPI Gombak a.k.a INTEGOMB. I really didn't want to go to any boarding school. But, I didn't have other choices except those two choices. Then, did you all know what I am thinking? "Ala, masuk je lah SBPI Gombak (waktu ni xtau pape pon pasal sekolah ni), kalau masuk tahfiz, jauh sangat kat Pahang"...and I said to my mum, "Mak, yah masuk jelah SBPI Gombak ni.."(muke x rase bersalah)...(eee, xmatang nye lah).. At the end, I went to INTEGOMB..
My father really dissapointed with me but I REALLY REALLY didn't notice.. My father just sent me to INTEGOMB during the registration day. When I was in Form 2, my mum asked me, "Yah, ingat tak abah penah kluar rumah x bagitau, balik bile dah petang, senyap selame seminggu, tak cakap ape2 tu??" (berlaku mase abis UPSR la ni) "Ingat2, kenape mak sebenarnye, mak tau ke?" "Sebenarnye abah kau merajuk kau tak nak masuk tahfiz dulu."
Oh Allah, after almost 2 years this thing happened, I really didn't know the reason?? Abah, I really made you upset.. I'm really sorry, Abah... :'(....sedihkan? n mungkin disebabkan itulah aku x dapat nak masuk DQ lepas SPM aritu, yelah, buat Abah merajuk sampai camtu skali, but Allah knows the best, right.... betape tak matangnye saye waktu itu..:'(
Okay, kembali pada topik sebenarnye.. I just want to say, the path that we went through after UPSR had taught us a real meaning of life.. sebabnye, mase sekolah rendah, tau main je... ultraman, superman, sailormoon, dragon ball la..macam2.. Tapi Form 1 is the stage of transformation, (not transformer), from a child, to a teenager, cewah..waktu selepas UPSR lah waktu kite nak mengenal diri kite yang sebenarnye, mencari identiti..:)..and this is how life goes on..:)
Paling keanak-anakan sepanjang 5 tahun bergelar pelajar sekolah menengah..of course la kan..masih ade bau2 darjah enam..kui3.. not really bother of exams..actually, takut jugak, tapi saye ni x brape nak paham pelajaran mase tu.. nights of prep class, sleeping3..padahal esok nak exam...ramai gak wat cam2..yelah, duk asrama kan..(xtau lah org lain cmne)..:P..miss the moments when I was called during the anugerah gemilang (presents will be given to those yang dapat tiga markah tertinggi untuk setiap subjek, setiap ujian bulanan).. tapi saye dapat untuk certain subjects only, not conquering all..hehhe :P..
miss the moments when first started learning foreign language, I chose Japanese..:) it very much.. miss the moments when all Japanese students were required to join and perform a japan dance.. It was named as Yosakoi Boleh!.. it's actually 'tarian jalanan'..and memang jalanan betul, because we had to perform it at the compound of TIME SQUARE!!!!! memalukan... Mase kene prkatis, tiap2 minggu tu kluar gi sekolah alam shah, memang nak menangis lah dibuatnye.. ade beberape students yang merayu xnak join (including me.:P), yelah, kate menari, mesti lah segan.. tapi tarian die takde lah sampai terangguk2 ke, just a smooth dance..huhu... at last, kene menari gak, no exceptional..actually best sangat tarian die but segan je.
And now, it really become one of my memorable memories..:)).. sume japanese students sangat lah tension sebab that Yosakoi Boleh! performancce sehari sebelum final exam!! haru biru dibuatnye but alhamdulillah, everything was fine.. (and for my final japanese exam, I got 100%..haha..)
~yang baju kuning tulah pelajar sekolah kami, yang baju merah ahli Japanese Language Society Malaysia..:)~
Nothing much to say about this stage.. In short, waktu semua orang kluar tanduk rase nye..(my batch lah)... selalu kene panggil dengan PK HEM.. ade 'kaki retort' rupenye... Mase Form 2 ni lah kne panggil dengan senior (F5) lepas sembahyang Isyak satu malam sabtu nih .mungkin disebabkan 'keterukan'. yang melanda batch kami.. habis kami kene brain-washed, heart-washed segala bagai... beberape name dipanggil dan di sound direct (NOT including me..huhu).. but miss this moment.. rase sangat disayangi dan di beri perhatian, yelah, kne tegur untuk kebaikan kan, bukan sebab dibenci..
Medan Imtihan yang terbesar selepas darjah 6.. P . M . R.....
Miss the moments when we have our study groups. Fasciltators for each subject was selected. Struggling for PMR, aiming very high to get 9As, for sure. And miss the moments when we were very exited when our beloved principal promised to support us a ticket of AirAsia plane.. (xtau nak ke mane, yang pentingnye exited dapat naik AirAsia), kalau 100% 9As.. childish je bunyi tapi we were struggling the best.. tapi bukan rezeki kami, yang dapat 9As bukan 100%.. but it's ok, we tried our best..:))..memang childish sangat, tapi nak gtau gak, ramai jugak la yang letak gamba airasia plane atas meja masing2 termasuk saye sendiri..:P (nak menunjukkan harapan yang menggunung tinggi lah, hehehe)
~hanya tinggal impian~
Ramai yang kate this year was 'honeymoon' year.. Oh, not really.. Belajar perkare baru semuanye.. Ingat lagi x?? mestilah ingat kan.. Chemistry, Biology, Physics, ADD MATHS.... wah, interesting subjects but also challenging subjects atau killer subjects. PK 1 selalu pesan mase assembly, "Form 4, kamu jangan ingat tahun ni 'honeymoon year' kamu, saye akan tengok result kamu semua final exam nanti".. banyak kali beliau pesan macam tu, n memang kami rase bukan 'HONEYMOON' pon... sape la yg rase F4 tu bulan madu? pelik2..hmmm..n waktu nilah merase fail beberapa subject secara berjemaah...cikgu2 duk geleng kepale, kami mengoyak sengih... ape la nak jadi... sekarang ni, semuanya tinggal kenangan..:)...
Jeng3.. AMANAH.. bile pertengahan tahun, teachers looking for Majlis Tertinggi-to-be.. In short, I was selected as a PKP 2 merangkap ketua aspuri a.k.a Kaspuri.. It was not something to be proud of, but it was something to be fear of.. it's amanah.. Sangat terkejut mase mule2 Pn Patiah (a discipline teacher) calling my name.. sangat tak expect!!. Feel so burdened with that amanah.. I cried and mengadu kat Fatin, TKP yg baru dilantik jugak tu, hehe..yelah, rase macam sangat tak sanggup nak jadi PKP tu.sedih sangat2.. but I said to myself, 'Allah knows you can..'
This year asyik menangis sebab tension..kami (Majlis Tertinggi a.k.a MT) sentiase bersame mengharungi student2 yang bermasalah..panjang ceritanya... memang sangat mencabar..:'(.. but miss those moments when I made announcements at the hostel. "Perhatian kepada semua pelajar puteri, anda diberi masa 10 minit lagi untuk mengosongkan asrama...bla...bla...bla..." I knew everyone was very annoyed with those annoncements, but it was my responsibility..pukul 5.30 pg, 7.00, 2.30, 5.30 ptg, 7.00 mlm, 11.00mlm, 11.30 mlm, suare si kaspuri tak bertauliah ni lah yang buat pengunguman hari2... bile hujung minggu, sibuk panggil ketua dorm,kemas dorm,, bla..bla..bla... miss those moments bile memekik kat tengah asrama suruh kutip baju2 yang terjatuh dari ampaian kalau tak, kene lelonglah jawabnye..MURAH tau!!!..hhehe..:P..
Dup dap dup dap.... S . P . M...medan imtihan yang paling menggerunkan.. But this is really a great moment I ever had... I miss those moments when we were struggling to complete tons of homework.. Miss those times when we had a class until nak dekat maghrib, then malam tu sambung study group mase prep plak.. Miss those moments when we sambung pulak dekat dorm, buat study group kat bilik study ramai2 bersempit-sempit... sampai tersengguk2,, miss those moments when we were studying together, berhimpit-himpit 173 students of our batch, same2 duk dalam satu lab yang sebenarnye hanye memuatkan dalam 35-40 orang tu.. miss those times when all teachers berebut2 nak buat kelas tambahan untuk kitorang.. miss those moments when 1 batch duk dalam 1 hall study same2 mase nak dekat SPM.. terlalu bnyak kenangan yang tak tertulis, tapi terpahat di hati..
Those memories will remain in our minds and hearts, forever n ever..
These 5 years really taught me a meaning of life..friends and teachers..:) HOW ABOUT YOU??
Hmm...How about 2 years after that??? What a different life from those 5 years during school, right?? But experiences from my 5 years + 2 years of studying gave me a strength to continue my life, facing the obstacles that may become more challenging.. I can feel my life is changing from a stage to another stage.. Moga diriku semakin matang dalam menghadapi dunia yang smentara.:) Allahlah tempat mengadu..
Post kali ni sangat membosankan sebab ianya berkenaan diriku, harap dapat berkongsi sesuatu..insyaAllah..