SeuNtaI kaTa...
seuntai kate utk dirase..macam pernah dengar je??
hmm..ptame skali brsyukur kerna dpt buat blog ni..sebenonye dah lme dah..
bru jmpe blek..plek,tapi benar..
buat pembaca2 yang dikasihi skalian,
blog saya ni tak la shebat blog2 shabat yg lain..
tapi saya mncuba..tujuan saya menulis blog ni tak lain tak bukan utk menjamu fkiran shbat2 sekalian tentang Islam, Iman dan lain2..lillahita'ala..insyaAllah..harap maaf blog ana tak lawo n tak dapt la shbt semue mnjamu mata..takpe..asalkn dapat mnjamu fikiran dan selera..
May Allah Bless <3
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Servant of Allah
"I am a modest Muslim girl, I am more pecious than diamond & pearl & the same way they are hard to find, I will remain a treasure, covered & refined"
The Simple Me
Name: Nadiah binti Mohd Noor Called as: Nadiah Birth Date: 25th July 1991Fav Quotes: "I am a traveler seeking the truth, a human searching for the meaning of humanity and a citizen seeking dignity, freedom, stability and welfare under the shade of Islam. I am a free man who is aware of the purpose of his existence and who proclaims: “Truly, my prayer and my sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds; no partner has He. This, am I commanded and I am of those who submit to His Will.” This is who I am. Who are you?"
(Hassan al-Banna)
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SeuNtaI kaTa...
seuntai kate utk dirase..macam pernah dengar je??
hmm..ptame skali brsyukur kerna dpt buat blog ni..sebenonye dah lme dah..
bru jmpe blek..plek,tapi benar..
buat pembaca2 yang dikasihi skalian,
blog saya ni tak la shebat blog2 shabat yg lain..
tapi saya mncuba..tujuan saya menulis blog ni tak lain tak bukan utk menjamu fkiran shbat2 sekalian tentang Islam, Iman dan lain2..lillahita'ala..insyaAllah..harap maaf blog ana tak lawo n tak dapt la shbt semue mnjamu mata..takpe..asalkn dapat mnjamu fikiran dan selera..
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